phone: 1(902) 200-1244


Additional Services

Container Transport Services

MM Transport has a dedicated Container Division.
MM Container Transport is a container transportation company that utilizes truck drayage to provide freight services to container providers. We move containers door-to-door, ramp-to-ramp or any combination. We can move your containers, and actually we can move anything!

Service capabilities include:

  • Container pickup and deliver on time
  • Container monitored with real time status
  • Safe and Legal transport of your containers
  • Radio contact with drivers at all times
  • Flatbed Heavy Equipment
  • Dry and Reefer Vans
  • Full container loads
  • Packing and Crating
  • Unloading Containers and packaging your goods on skids.

MM  Container Transport offers professional services with a straight forward approach. Our rates are the most competitive in Canada  and guarantee service that is second to none!

Blanket Wrapped

MM Transport works with many high end furniture companies, who require their products to be protected by blanket wrapping each piece of furniture. We have been working with these industries, and have the experience and equipment to do the job right. If you require 10 blankets or 200 blankets we have them available any time for you!
MM Transport offers a simple process - after you contact us, our personnel will arrive at your home or office and carefully wrap your belongings in preparation for their transport. Your blanket-wrapped items will then be strapped inside the specialty air ride-equipped trucks that we're entitled to as an agent for MM Transport and driven to your destination.
Blanket wrapping is just as effective and efficient as wooden crates or miles of plastic wrap - and it doesn't deplete a natural resource and won't end up clogging a landfill.
We are also capable of providing our customers with as many straps, load bars or double decking services in our trailers. We are a fully integrated transportation company who can get the job done safely and timely!

Air Shipments

MM Transport can provide your company with Air Freight Services anywhere in the world. We are able to meet your freight deadlines through our internal expertise and relationships with many major air carriers. There is no size, weight, or schedule limitations and we offer flexible options to and from all locations throughout the globe. Our knowledge and strong partner relationships allow us to offer customers reliable, flexible, and cost-effective air-freight shipping solutions, whether your needs are for domestic or international air cargo transport services.
At MM Transport, we understand the urgency of air freight services, and our team of logistics experts are dedicated to delivering your freight on time to meet your specific needs. MM Transport strong relationships with many of the major carriers, allows us to offer very competitive rates and top-notch service for your freight. We will help you choose from the best options in expedited, consolidated or deferred flights and keep you informed on your freight's status throughout the entire shipping process.

Ocean Freight

MM Transport has recently expanded to provide expert international ocean freight services to companies both large and small. We are an integral part of our clients' import/export departments, offering custom tailored ocean/sea freight logistics solutions for a wide variety of cargo. We offer all types of containerized shipping, from less than container loads to 20', 40', 45', 53' and refrigerated containers.
MM Transport also offer highly personalized roll on roll off services for cars, trucks and boats. Our ocean shipping experts are available to provide you with fast quotes to all destinations across the globe.
MM Transport makes it easy for you by finding the ideal vessel for your freight by providing multiple options and helping you choose the right service for your needs. Most other providers tie themselves to specific ocean carriers, we balance our MM Transport and leverage our relationships to provide you with the most flexible ocean options in the industry.

LTL Transportation

MM Transport provides service to those customers who require LTL (Less than Trailer Load) Transport Service at the lowest possible price. This division works very diligently to provide the best customer service. Constant communication with our drivers and state of the art tracking technology allows us to ensure that our customers' freight is picked-up and delivered on time.
The MM Transport scope of work is extensive and allows us to handle nearly anything you can throw at us, from atm machines and medical equipment to store fixtures or trade show displays, we even handle expensive artwork crating and large rigging/hoisting.
More importantly however, is MM Transport quality.  Our quality not only comes from our high level of service; blanket wrapping, crating, lift gate service and air ride fleet, but more importantly from our knowledgeable and experienced Move Coordinators and Crew Leaders.  These are the people in the professional moving industry where the rubber meets the road and having a strong team like ours to execute your move is what truly leads to a high level of quality.